Space-Time, Quantum Physics and Astrology
Hello again!
It is the beginning of 2023. Wish you all a very happy New Year!
What is time, after all? Classical Physics recognised space as a 3-dimensional vector and time as a scalar. They were considered separate entities defining the matter. This was the scientific view for a very long time in the medieval and modern era, till Einsteinian special theory of relativity in the early 20th century amalgamated space and time into a single space-time continuum. It further proposed a limit to the velocity of matter – the speed of light. It proposed that if a particle’s velocity accelerates towards the speed of light, its mass should keep increasing to infinity. Furthermore, time would come to a stand-still for this particle from the same relational frame. In other words, we reach what is termed as a mathematical ‘singularity’.
Enter Quantum Mechanics, which is a hugely unknown or ill-understood branch of physics (even today), some of the concepts of space-time may undergo revisions. It theorizes that matter, energy and forces are all composed of very tiny, discrete, block or quanta, which have a probabilistic nature, and even space-time is not excluded from this. It is capable of explaining away the brick wall of singularities that we come across from the Big Bang to a black hole.
Strangely enough, the Vedas and the Upanishads of the yore have explored the topics of space, time, matter and consciousness. While the scientists today use expensive laboratories like the CERN LHC (large hadron collider), the sages used deep meditation, contemplation and intuition to propound their elegant hypotheses, The scientific concept of space-time being the universal canvas on which everything is playing is beautifully brought home by the concept of cosmic mind or universal consciousness. The elusive Higgs Boson or ‘the God particle’ could after all be the Atma!
Astrology is a vedanga or a part of this beautiful and expansive Vedic literature.
(To be continued)